by Komal Vachhani

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About the Project

💡 Project Background

The focus of this project is to enhance the irrigation system for the vineyard fields while prioritizing energy efficiency. The vineyard's pumping network, connected to a local water reservoir, plays a crucial role in the irrigation process. This project designs a Controller function for the existing system. The system includes a central water reservoir that is filled overnight using water from an underground spring. When it's time for irrigation, a single pump transfers the water, which is then directed to different zones through a valve system. This setup, including the reservoir, pumps, pump motor, and piping, was already in place.


The system operates in a simple sequence: the water reservoir is refilled overnight using water from the underground spring. Throughout the next day, the system allocates the water in the reservoir to the various irrigation zones.

A crucial consideration is that there are three distinct zones that need to be irrigated, each situated at a different vertical elevation. Consequently, varying water pressures must be applied by adjusting the pump speeds to cater to these differences. A miniature operational model will be developed to systematically investigate and assess the design and sequencing of the system.

🔨 Tools

  1. Software
    1. STM32CubeIDE (Coding in C)
    2. Proteus (PCB and schematic designs)
  2. Hardware
    1. STM32 - Nucleo64 F401RE Microcontroller

    2. Distance Sensor (US-100 Ultrasonic)

    3. CMOS Buffer/Buffer Chip

    4. UART/USB Cable

    5. RGB LED

    6. Servo Motor

    7. DC Motor

    8. Speed Sensor/Slot Wheel

    9. Potentiometer

    10. Motor Controller

    11. Timer Interface


🔑 Key Learnings/Takeaways

  1. Systems Design
  2. Systems Integration

Hardware View
