by Komal Vachhani

See all projects here!

💡 Idea

The idea behind the ParkSafe project was to develop an assisted parking tool that would enhance vehicle positioning and increase safety during parking maneuvers. The goal was to create a system that would provide accurate distance measurements and visual and auditory indicators to assist the driver in avoiding obstacles.

🔨 Tools

  1. Arduino Uno: The Arduino Uno microcontroller board served as the core hardware component of the project. It provided processing power and I/O capabilities to control the sensors and indicators.
  2. C++ Programming Language: C++ was chosen as the programming language for coding the firmware that ran on the Arduino Uno. It offered a robust and efficient platform for developing the necessary control logic and algorithms.
  3. Ultrasonic Sensors: Ultrasonic sensors were used to measure the distance between the vehicle and nearby objects. These sensors emitted ultrasonic waves and detected their reflections to calculate the distance accurately.
  4. OLED Display: An OLED display was incorporated to provide visual feedback to the driver. It displayed the measured distance and indicated the proximity of objects, allowing the driver to make informed decisions during parking.
  5. Buzzers and Lights: Audio and visual indicators, such as buzzers and lights, were integrated into the system. They provided immediate feedback to the driver, alerting them to the distance between the vehicle and obstacles.

🔑 Key Learnings/Takeaways

  1. Embedded Systems
  2. Sensor Integration
  3. User Interface Design
  4. Real-Time Feedback: Implementing real-time feedback using buzzers and lights required precise timing and synchronization with the sensor readings. It involved developing algorithms to interpret distance measurements and trigger the appropriate audio and visual indicators. Through iterative testing and refinement, I achieved accurate and timely feedback for the driver.
  5. Safety Enhancement