by Komal Vachhani

See all projects here!



💡 Idea

The idea behind the Musical Simon Says project was to create an interactive and engaging multi-level memory game that incorporated both visual and auditory stimuli. The goal was to develop a game that challenged the player's memory by generating pseudo-random music patterns that they had to replicate.

🔨 Tools

  1. STM32 Nucleo 64 Microcontroller: The STM32 Nucleo 64 Microcontroller served as the core hardware component of the project. It provided the necessary processing power, I/O capabilities, and interfaces to control the game logic and interact with external components.
  2. Embedded C Programming Language: Embedded C was chosen as the programming language for coding the firmware that ran on the STM32 Nucleo 64 Microcontroller. It offered a low-level and efficient platform for developing the game logic and controlling the hardware components.
  3. TinkerCad: TinkerCad, an online circuit design and simulation tool, was utilized to prototype and visualize the circuitry of the project. It allowed for testing and refining the hardware design before the physical assembly.

🔑 Key Learnings/Takeaways

  1. Embedded Systems
  2. Circuit design and simulation:
  3. Hardware integration
  4. Game development
  5. Software validation and optimization