by Komal Vachhani

See all projects here!

💡 Idea

The idea behind the FaceSwap project was to develop an application that could seamlessly swap the faces of two individuals in an image. The goal was to create a fun and engaging tool that utilized computer vision techniques to analyze facial landmarks and perform realistic face swapping.

🔨 Tools

  1. Python: Python programming language served as the primary language for developing the FaceSwap application. Its versatility, ease of use, and extensive library support, such as OpenCV, made it an ideal choice for computer vision tasks.
  2. OpenCV: OpenCV (Open Source Computer Vision Library) was a key tool in the FaceSwap project. It provided a wide range of functionalities for image and video processing, including facial landmark detection and image manipulation.
  3. Dlib Library: The Dlib library was used for facial landmark detection. It offered pre-trained models and algorithms to accurately identify and locate key facial features, enabling precise alignment and dimension analysis for the face-swapping process.
  4. Delaunay Triangulation: Delaunay triangulation was employed for dimension analysis and mapping the facial features of the source images. This technique subdivided the faces into triangles, allowing for smooth and seamless blending during the face-swapping process.
  5. SeamlessCloning Library: The SeamlessCloning library was utilized to efficiently compose an overlapping illustration of the two face sources. It provided advanced algorithms for seamless blending, ensuring that the swapped faces appeared natural and realistic.

🔑 Key Learnings/Takeaways

  1. Computer Vision Techniques
  2. Facial Landmark Detection/Dimension Analysis
  3. Image Manipulation and Blending
  4. Attention to Detail